Education South West Careers Fair 2022
31st March 2022Teign School were delighted to host the Education South West Careers and Higher Education Fair where there was much buzz and excitement as students from Teign School, Coombeshead Academy, Kingsbridge Community College, Dartmouth Academy and South Devon University Technical College came together to meet representatives from high-profile employers and education providers.
Organisations attended the event from many universities, organisations, businesses and education including top universities: Oxford Brookes, Exeter University, The University of Law and Bath Spa.
Amongst the other exhibitors were leading employers such as Wolferstans Solicitors, The Armed Forces, NHS, Centrax, Howmet Aerospace, Babcock International, Devon and Cornwall Police and the Met Office. One exhibitor commented ‘It was great to speak to students from so many different year groups and to have the opportunity to discuss their future education and career options.’
There were over 900 visitors at the Careers Fair, who greatly benefited from the opportunity to talk to higher education providers and employers. One parent commented that ‘It was a great event, brilliantly organised and had an excellent range of universities and employers which were inspirational to the students.’
Thank you to all the exhibitors and visitors who attended and for helping to make the event such a success.
We look forward to hosting the next Education South West Careers Fair at Coombeshead Academy.