Enrichment Opportunities


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Extra-curricular activities are an excellent way to distinguish yourself from others, make your personal statement stand out and develop your personal experiences and skills. We have put together an exciting list of enrichment opportunities for you to choose from.

The activities have been grouped under the following four headings:

  • Volunteering - A range of activities that you can help with. Most of these activities you will require you to commit to a regular weekly time slot.
  • Leadership – Opportunities to develop your skills of leadership and teamwork.
  • Academic extension– You can choose to extend your understanding of your A level courses, or expand your knowledge of other topics.
  • Personal development – These opportunities will develop you personally, as well as being a chance to contribute to the wider school community.

Once you have decided on an activity, please contact the member of staff involved for more details.

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Inspirational Female Leader Award 

Click here to find out how is RE delivered at Post 16

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