Welcome to the Library and Learning Resources Centre
Library and Learning Resources Manager
Mr Tim Goodwin:
Opening Times
8.15am – 4.15pm Monday - Thursday
8.15am – 3.15pm Friday
The Library and Learning Resources Centre (LLRC) is a modern, welcoming, popular facility that aims to be at the heart of student learning. In order to help Year 7s to understand the way a Library functions, they all undergo a series of induction sessions in their first academic year. These lessons teach information literacy skills such as how to find resources and the best ways to conduct research (with a focus on encouraging independent learning).
The LLRC is a safe, supervised place for students to spend their free time. Students can do their homework, join in with a programme of lunch time activities, read or socialise in this relaxed, calm space. The opening hours allow students to access the facilities before and after the school day.
Teign School also runs the Accelerated Reader program with Years 7, 8 and some older students with the intention of improving reading and literacy skills at Key Stage 3 and beyond. The LLRC staff work hard at promoting and rewarding student reading progress. The AR program is supported during breaks, lesson time book exchanges and within the library lessons.
Stock and Resources
Within the LLRC there are over 15,000 books to support the curriculum and for leisure purposes. Around 6,000 of our books are fiction titles covering a range of different authors, genres and reading abilities. The stock reflects reading trends and the student’s favourite authors.
We also stock a variety of journals and magazines to enrich student learning. All of our resources are constantly reviewed and refreshed to ensure that learning needs are met.
The LLRC leads a number of events to enrich the experience of reading, literacy and learning. World Book Day is celebrated in March each year through a number of events and activities. Authors are invited to school to speak to students about life as an author and their latest releases. English teachers work with the librarian to play Reading Games, and run activities/challenges within the library lessons.
Leadership opportunities
There are opportunities for students of all ages to assist within the LLRC as valued members of the team. Some people assist with lunch time clubs, others help manage the book stock and a team of helpers assist at special events such as World Book Day. Volunteering is a great way to get involved with the school community and adds depth to the students’ personal statements later in their academic lives.
At Teign we have a fantastic range of 15,000 print books to suit all levels of reader. To browse all our books (including the eResources) students are trained how to use the Oliver Library Management programme.
Accelerated Reader
What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?
All Year 7 & 8 students participate in the highly motivational Accelerated Reader programme. AR is a computer program that helps teachers, key support and LLRC staff manage and monitor students’ independent reading practice. A student will select a book at his or her own level and then read at their own pace. On completion, the student takes a short online quiz at school to evidence their comprehension of the text. AR gives students, teachers and LLRC staff feedback based on the quiz result which is then used by the teacher to set the student goals and direct on-going reading practice. Students are rewarded along the way for various reading goals such as passing quizzes and hitting termly points targets. Quizzes should be taken at the following site: using their school username (e.g.19bloggj) with password abc .
Teachers and LLRC staff help students choose books at an appropriate reading level that are challenging without being frustrating to ensure a successful outcome. Students reading books at their own level and pace means that they really enjoy taking the quizzes.
Satisfaction is evident from their progress and successful outcomes.
If you have any questions about the Accelerated Reader, Oliver or your child’s reading do contact Mr Tim Goodwin (our Library Manager) for help via email at during term time.
How much should my child read each day?
According to research, children who read at least 35 minutes a day with a 90% comprehension rate on AR quizzes see the greatest gains. Therefore, in a perfect world. Every child should have at least 35 minutes set aside for reading every day. All Year 7 and 8 students have a 20 minute reading slot in the school day known as Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) at Teign. In addition Years 7 and 8 students have a fortnightly 1 hour reading lesson in the LLRC supported by English staff and the Librarian.
How can I help my child become a better reader?
Encourage them to read at home every day, just 15 minutes before bed will make the difference.
Create a culture of reading in your household by reading with them, starting a home library, visiting your local library or bookstore on a regular basis, letting them see you reading, and discussing books that each of you has read.
When reading with them, stop and ask questions to be sure he/she comprehends what is being read. Reading with them, no matter what their age, is an important part of developing a good reader, building a lifelong love of reading end learning, and creating a bond between you and them
Ask them about their progress with AR and the books they are reading. The school planner contains a section to record AR progress.
What happens if a student does not do well on their book quizzes?
If a student does not do well on a quiz the teacher, supporting member of staff or LLRC staff may help them by:
- helping them choose another more appropriate book
- ask more probing questions as they read
- arrange for additional literacy support/involve the SEND team*
- pair them with another student, or even have the book read to them
* ln a few cases. students may benefit from time off the scheme to work on reading skills before free reading occurs.
What if a student does not like reading?
Using Accelerated Reader, students will choose the books they went to read from the selection within a range. At Teign School, we have around 6,000 fiction books to choose from so there is a book there to excite anyone! The Teacher and Librarian will ensure the book is at the right level so that after completing the book, a student should do well on the AR Reading Practice Quiz. Success in the quiz will encourage them to read more.
Will a student have to read a book they do not want to read?
No. There are many, many choices of books at every student’s level. They will never be forced to read a book parents find questionable. LLRC staff regularly advise students on the age suitability of books at the point of loan.
I am concerned that my child will be unfairly compared to others
AR helps the teacher and Librarian work with each student individually. Students are encouraged to progress their own pace and work towards individualised goals with the help of the teacher. The aim of AR is for all students to succeed in achieving their personal goals and not to worry about others.
How does the school determine my child's reading level (known as Reading Range or ZPD)?
The school determines a student’s level through STAR ReadingTM tests which are carried out around four times a year. The first tests are carried out in September and once these Reading Ranges are recorded in their planners the students are free to select books« and get reading! In independent literature based reading, the ZPD is the range of books that will challenge a student without causing frustration or loss of motivation. It is important for students to read with a high degree of comprehension and within their ZPDs. At the end of each term, a further STAR test is carried out which should show an increase in the child’s reading level (as long as they have been engaging in sufficient reading at the right book level).
What is a STAR ReadingTM test?
STAR Reading is a computerised reading assessment that uses computer adaptive technology. Questions continually adjust to student’s responses. If the students response is correct, the difficulty level is increased. If a question is missed, the difficulty level is reduced. The test uses multiple choice questions and takes approximately 30 minutes.
What is a book level?
Book levels represent the difficulty of the text within a book. At Teign, all books that can be read within the AR scheme have colour-coded labels on their spines and the actual book level is shown. For example. our emergent reads at level 1-1.9 and have green labels on their spines. Many classics are all the top end of the book level scale so have brown labels on their spines« representing book level 6+).
What are points in the AR scheme?
Every book that has an AR Reading Practice Quiz is given value. AR points are computed based on the difficulty of the book level and the length of book (number of words). Students earn points, or cl portion of cl book’s points, depending on how well they do on the Reading Practice Quiz. For example, a student who takes a 5 question quiz on a book worth 1 point will earn point for 5 correct answers (100%», O. 8 for 4 correct answers« 80%), etc. A student who reads a book worth 5 points and takes a 10 question quiz will earn 5 points for 10 correct answers (100%), 4.5 points for 9 correct answers (9), etc. For quizzes with 3,5, or 10 questions, students need to pass a quiz with a score of 60% or higher to earn points. For quizzes with 20 questions, they need to pass with a score of 7% or higher to earn points.
What are AR Points Targets?
The results of the STAR tests determines the Target number of points we« ask students to work towards each term. Monitoring students’ AR points and comparing them to the guideline values enables the teacher and Librarian to determine how well individual students are using the time provided for reading practice.
How many Accelerated Reader quizzes are there?
There are over 156,000 AR quizzes available with more books having quizzes written for them all the time. If a book does not have an AR quiz then unfortunately the student cannot quiz and pick up points for this title. We suggest non AR books are kept for holiday so students make the expected progress on AR!
How do students know if a book is on AR (has a quiz available)?
In the LLRC, any book that has a coloured label on the spine is on the AR. In addition, students/parents/teachers can also visit the AR BookfinderTM website at to conduct search of all available books with AR quizzes. This is the way to check if books from outside school are on AR.
How can I help my child find books that are interesting to him / her?
You could visit and click on the Advanced Search. By conducting an advanced search, you con generate book lists that contain titles based on the criteria you enter such as book level, topic, interest level, fiction/nonfiction, etc. Alternatively, the LLRC staff can help find books.
My child already does well with their reading. Why does he/she need this?
Even if a child is gifted at playing a musical instrument, they need to practise to develop their talent. Bright children, like all children, need to be challenged. Teachers using AR software find it easy to guide students to books that give them challenge and success. The AR scheme improves students’ reading up until a reading age of 16 is reached.
My child is not a strong reader. Can he/she still use Accelerated Reader?
Accelerated Reader helps all children become better readers, from students with special needs to those who are gifted and talented. When they read books at an appropriate level, they experience success. Furthermore, teachers and the Librarian will work with students to set appropriate goals based on each individual’s reading level.